Features for every use case

Clam offers an ever-expanding set of features, made for you to take the maximum advantage of our infrastructure. Configurable, composable, secure.

Generate unique QR code tags for all your assets.

Never lose track of your assets again with our modern asset tags. Our QR codes allow you to generate unique tags for each asset, making asset management a breeze.
This is a screengrab from within the Clam app showing location tracking.
This is a screengrab from within the Clam app showing QR code scanning with the built in camera.

Scan tags with our built-in QR code scanner

Lowest implementation cost. Secure scanning, regardless of the device. Works on Android, iOS, or any other operational system that has a browser. No excuses to keep a clean, up-to-date asset database with Clam.

Last known location mapping for every asset.

Keep tabs on all your assets with our location tracking feature. You’ll always know the last known location of every asset. Each QR code scan grabs the geo location of the request and displays it on a map.

Find the right information, instantly

No more digging through piles of documents or spreadsheets. Our full database search tool helps you find the right information on all your assets instantly. Want to search multiple fields at once? No problem.

Assign team members custody over assets

This feature helps you assign team members as custodians of specific assets, promote accountability, enhance security, streamline audits, and optimise collaboration.
This is a screengrab from within the Clam app showing custody of assets.
This is a screengrab from within the Clam app showing an overview of your assets.

Keep an overview of your workspace

Track your total inventory and collective value of all of your assets. Get a better understanding of most used categories and current custodians.

Request booking gear in advance

Create booking requests, avoid double bookings, check out items and print gear lists for manual inspection and control. Scale your asset related operations with Clam.
This is a screengrab from within the Clam app showing booking of assets.
This is a screengrab from within the Clam app showing signature capture.

Request and store signatures related to assets

For certain assets, you might want to collect usage signatures. This can be for specialised tools, equipment or even expensive camera gear. You can (at the moment of giving custody) request for a signature to be requested.

Create your own asset tags & stick them onto anything

You can use asset tags for anything you want to track. Be it data center equipment, camera recording gear, a book collection, inventory, marketing materials. Track what matters to you.